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Are you ready to go from a life of striving to THRIVING?

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My story

How did I become a coach?

I am a late bloomer who believes in redemption, second chances and the power of the human spirit. I’m a creative, a Colorado girl and a lover of all things pink!

About a decade ago, my life imploded. My marriage was over, my body had all but shut down and I was emotionally, mentally and spiritually lost. It was time…but, the question was – time for what?

I began to unravel my story and build a new life.

As part of my own healing, I started a blog called Dare to be Imperfect as a way to address and reframe my lifelong struggle with believing only perfect was good enough. I was making slow, steady progress.

It would be the final court hearing in my divorce that forever changed the trajectory of my life. I lost everything that day – with the exception of one thing…my voice. As we were wrapping up the dismantling of my life, the judge asked me, “What are you going to do to support yourself?”

With a shaking voice that was barely a whisper, I said, “I want to go to college,” to which my ex-husband and attorney began to laugh – literal and audible laughter. I was so humiliated and ashamed I could hardly breathe. Little did they know their laughter would fuel me through five long years of college.

On May 12, 2017, one of the proudest moments of my life, I found myself holding my college diploma. I had achieved what nobody (including myself) believed I would or even could. Yet, there I was with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a minor in integrative healthcare/health and wellness coaching. All this a mere two weeks shy of my 50th birthday

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Which brings me to YOU…

I’m not really here for me – I’m here for you.

And while I believe it’s important for you to know a bit about me, my background and how I

became a coach, what you really want to know is how can I help YOU.

Do I have what it takes to help guide you on this journey? I believe I do and I’ll tell you why.

I became a life coach for women because I believe in women. That’s my why…YOU are my why!


“I turned to Victoria for coaching when I needed support setting personal goals and accountability to follow through with my plans.  Her approach in our sessions was thoughtful and well organized.  She brought relevant experience and paid close attention to the details in order to help tailor each session to my needs.  It was a truly rewarding experience that gave me the confidence and tools to get my personal life organized and on track.” - Client A

“I have worked with Victoria for about 9 months and the change I have seen in myself, not to mention what others have seen, has been amazing.  She has given me the tools to have confidence again.  She has helped me create new ways of taking care of myself day by day.  I have been able to make connections between what was in my past to what I do today and how to change those things to the better.  I wouldn’t be as far along in my healing journey if it wasn’t for Victoria. I will always stay in touch with her and work with her if I ever “stumble” in the future as I know she can help direct me on the right path.” - Client J


“I believe that health and wellness originate from within…”


MY philosophy

I believe…

I believe that health and wellness originate from within. Without a firm grasp and understanding of oneself and an acknowledgement of our unique personal strengths, any change we seek will be fleeting. As a coach, my practice is based in the belief that you have within you, all the answers needed to make positive and transformative change in your life; my role is to empower you in discovering those answers as a pathway towards a meaningful and abundant life.

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My vision for you…

My vision is for you to find abundance and joy in ways that embrace self-knowledge, unique character strengths, and a positive mindset as the path towards a beautiful and authentic life.

My mission…

My mission is to provide coaching that empowers you in identifying your unique talents and strengths as a means toward a positive and joyful life through a specially designed process that provides a framework of clear and concise steps intended to support you on your transformational pathway.