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Are you ready to go from a life of striving to THRIVING?

discover strengths | embrace change | facilitate growth



I want you to know that I understand. The first step is often the hardest…

But, here's what I also know - once you take that first small step in the direction of your desires, the remaining steps are easier.  I'm here to help you on that journey.

I believe in you.  I want to see you succeed.  In coaching, that success will hinge on the connection you have with your coach.  I don't want you to find "a" coach, I want you to find "the" coach for you.  Which is why I offer a free consultation.  In fact, I am so committed to your success, that if we find that I am not the right coach for you, I will do what I can to guide you in the right direction.  You cannot lose by reaching all starts with that first small step!

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Hi, I’m Victoria

I am a late bloomer who believes in redemption, second chances and the power of the human spirit. I’m a creative, a Colorado girl and a lover of all things pink!

About a decade ago, my life imploded. My marriage was over, my body had all but shut down and I was emotionally, mentally, and spiritually lost. It was time… but the question was - time for what?

I began to unravel my story and build a new life.

Now, I’m helping women - just like you - do the same.


“What I love about my coaching sessions with Victoria are the practical and fun suggestions for overcoming my tendency to procrastinate.  She has a great knack for hearing clues in the conversation that reveal roadblocks and hidden desires - you’ll have an “aha moment” at every meeting.” Client K


“I’m going to admit, I was skeptical!  I was new to coaching and was unsure about the financial investment and whether I could achieve my goals in just three months.  But, Victoria helped me break things down into smaller chunks and a year later, I’m able to use my strengths and the tools I learned to continue setting and reaching my goals.  Thank you, Victoria!” Client D


you might be wondering…

Is coaching for me?

Is your life chugging along, but you find yourself feeling unmotivated, lacking focus or stuck in the mindset of negativity much of the time…?

Do you know there is more to life and are you willing to invest the time, effort and resources in making long-term, positive changes…?

If you answered yes, then coaching is for you!

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