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Are you ready to go from a life of striving to THRIVING?

1-on-1 coaching services


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“Hiring a coach was the first time I ever invested in and focused on myself.  I never imagined how much this would change my life.  After working with Victoria, I see how important it is to take time for my own growth and self-discovery - apart from being mom, wife, daughter, sister and friend.  Not only do I have lifelong tools for success after working with her, I’m better able to see when I need to take the time to fill my own cup in order to be there for my friends and family.” - Client T


Coaching Packages

My process guides clients in looking at their life story through a lens of honesty that allows the formation of a new inner dialogue that accentuates your strengths as well as the opportunity to view your struggles and adversity from a healthier, more transformative perspective.

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Investment: $1950

The 3-month Package begins with you taking the VIA (Values in Action) Assessment and is a comprehensive, in-depth journey towards a life of thriving as the most authentic, joyful and very best version of yourself.

The 3-month Package includes all the single sessions with the added benefit of having the time and space to dig a bit deeper. Using your assessment results, we design a unique 90-day program which gives you the tools you need to go from a life of striving to thriving. This completely customized package consists of weekly sessions geared to build forward momentum towards your focus and/or goals. Each month provides customized guideposts based on your unique traits and skills in a well-tested format I’ve developed over the years, as follows:

Month one: discovering strengths
Month two: embracing change
Month three: facilitating growth

This program is a beautiful way to invest in the most important person in your life – YOU!




The 3-month Intensive Package includes everything listed above, plus all the following:

+ a weekly check-in

+ weekly journal prompts to help you dig deeper

+ weekly affirmations designed to help keep you on track throughout the week

This program is designed to give added support and guidance to those who may need more frequent contact with their coach.

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Strengths Session



This 2-hour session allows you to take the VIA (Values in Action) Assessment followed by a comprehensive review of your assessment results. These results will guide you in better understanding your unique personality strengths in order to formulate a game plan that takes you from striving to thriving. A written summary of your results and our discussion is included.


Clarity Session



This 2-hour session also includes taking the VIA Assessment. The Clarity Session is perfect for the individual who has the self-awareness needed to identify personal obstacles. The session will address these obstacles and, based on your assessment results, allows us to determine the best path forward and specific ways of overcoming obstacles that may be holding you back from being the very best version of yourself.


Reframing Session



This 2-hour session also includes taking the VIA Assessment. The Reframing Session is geared towards women who find themselves held back by negativity and/or a less than supportive inner dialogue. By identifying your unique character strengths, this session allows for a focus on specific thought shifts and reframing that curbs the unsupportive reel of negativity and replaces it with positive and supportive thoughts which allow for greater joy and forward momentum.


Game Plan Session



This 4-hour session includes all of the above (VIA Assessment, Strengths Session, Clarity Session & Reframing Session as well as the written summary) and is by far the most comprehensive way to jump-start positive changes in your life short of engaging in a full coaching package.